Gardens for people with dementia

Gardens for people with dementia
kr 250,00 Eks. MVA


Gardens for people with dementia. Design and use
Which are the special features of a garden for people with dementia? Which symptoms of dementia require special planning and adaption? What should the garden contain and why? Which type of fence should be used? What is the optimal size? How can we design and construct the garden in order to make people with dementia experience mastering and feel safe, confident and happy when participating in outdoors activities? When the garden is ready for use: How can it be used?

This book addresses many of the questions that arise when planning a new garden for people with dementia and when starting to use it.

The content is based on the results and experiences from a Norwegian five-year project called Sensory gardens. Outdoors environment for people with dementia. The project was carried out by Ageing and Health /norwegian Centre for research, Education and Service Development, in cooperation with the Norwegian State Housing Bank and the Norwegian Garden Society.

The book is written for architects, landscape architects, gardeners, planners, and all people working with this group of patients.

Translated to English from
"Sansehager for personer med demens" Forlaget Aldring og Helse 2008.
Translators:Ingvild Anfinnsen Eek in cooperation with Sigbjørn Berentsen
Antall sider:
Utgivelsesår: 2008
ISBN: 978-82-8061-109-3